
My photo
Nur Rahida bt Sabaruddin.

Monday 24 December 2012



suddenly terpanggil nak mumbling about cigarettes...
ha..really grateful that my dad is not the smokers..
terdengar mitos dari wan aku..mengatakan abah aku berhenti merokok because of my mom dont like the pulak my sis got , thats why abah tak merokok..tapi tak tahulah sejauh mana boleh percaya cerita ni..sebab aku pun tak pernah tanya sendiri kat abah.. tapi kalau betullah cerita tu..salute lah kat abah.. sebab sayang dan cinta punya pasal..abah tak sweet..heheh..
so because of in my family no one is the smokers , so automatically i became really-really allergic towards the smokers and the cigarettes..wuhuuuu~~~ amaran kepada bakal suami ku nanti..saya tak suka lelaki merokok okay..ngehehehehe~~
seriously tak faham apa yang best sangat about cigarettes tu..udah la membahayakan kesihatan..membazir duit lagi...hahhaha..yelah...kalau rokok  dunhill RM 10.20.. kalau didarabkan dengan berapa tahun dah korang merokok..tak ke banyak dah duit yang dah dibazirkan...makan roti canai mamak pun dah dapat banyak keping dah..kenyang lagi..kalau duit beli rokok tu disedekahkan ke tabung masjid ke orang miskin ke.. banyak jugak pahalanya kan ?! :P

terjumpa nih..bacalah everybody knows , cigarettes ni very dangerous rite..  

Cigarettes do carry serious health effects with them, which are more prevalent than in other tobacco products. Nicotine, the primary psychoactive chemical in tobacco and therefore cigarettes, is addictive.[5] About half of cigarette smokers die of tobacco-related disease[6] and lose on average 14 years of life.[5] Cigarette use by pregnant women has also been shown to cause birth defects, including mental and physical disabilities.[7] Second-hand smoke from cigarettes has been shown to be injurious to bystanders, which has led to legislation that has banned their smoking in many workplaces and public areas. Cigarettes are the most frequent source of fires leading to loss of lives in private homes, which has prompted the European Union and the United States to ban cigarettes that are not fire standard compliant by 2011.

ha..kan government kita ada tampal sticker penyakit-penyakit kronik berpunca dari rokok..
aku pelik dengan orang-orang camni.. 
so..ini situasi pernah aku alami dahulu..

perokok A : dik.. dunhill 1.. nak gambar baby tau..
aku : kenapa nak gambar baby..?
perokok A: yelah..gambar lain tu gerun nak tengok..takut..
aku : ~ aku hanya tersenyum sebab dia customer.... tau pun gerun..dalam hati geram je nak cakap kalau dah gerun tengok gambar tu tak payah la merokok..err~~

so..aku tak tahulah berjaya atau tak sticker tu ditampal..rasa macam tak guna je kot..mereka-mereka nih buat tak nampak je dengan gambar-gambar tu..sekarang pun harga rokok makin lama makin naik..tapi sure ke jumlah perokok makin menurun ?! 
ni pulak kes sorang budak kecik ni nasihat ayah die..
budak kecik : ayah..bila ayah nak berhenti merokok ?
ayah : ntah.. tak tahulah..
budak kecik : ayah tahu tak.. daripada ayah hisap rokok tu....baik ayah makan je tar kat jalan tu..
ayah : !@#*$%
hmm..please..kepada perokok-perokok..berhentilah demi diri sendiri , keluarga , masyarakat , agama dan juga negara..


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