
My photo
Nur Rahida bt Sabaruddin.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

civil servant


almost a year i havent update anything.
so here it is..

my 2018 was totally change.
i am now been call as a civil servant.

tak sangka
suddenly my interview results was saying yes.
first i got a job with kementerian kesihatan malaysia as pembantu perawatan kesihatan.
my first posting was at Hospital Bentong and been placed at paeds ward.
my job scope was assisting nurse and doctor also giving patients their diet (food). so working here need me to escort nurse to transfer out case, means kena naik ambulans. first time, i was so excited that  i havent been experiencing riding an ambulance. before this, pernah teringin sangat nak naik ambulans.. but then, after a few times, dah x nak dah. sebab pening kepala. nk muntah semua.

suddenly got another offer letter from mohe. ministry of high education. it offered me with another jawatan and been placed to kolej komuniti pekan.

pening jugakla memikirkan.
got pro and cons.
antara sebab sebab aku memilih untuk accept this job adalah disebabkan working in an office hour. coz before this bekerja waktu shift.. for me sangatlah tidak seronok. waktu tidur tunggang langgang. waktu cuti pun tunggang langgang. kadang kadang 7-8 days straight kerja. family time pun susah.
tabik dan respek for those who needs to work in shift hours.

and alhamdulillah. syukur sgt. dapt another offer. walaupun agak jauh drpd family. tho still dlm pahang. tpi 2 jam lebih jugak drpd family.

so sekarang dah almost 5 bulan bekerja disini. from march 2018.

about my study.
i have to quit my degree coz of this job offer. sebab my course xde mood part time.
but still. semangat nak study masih berkobar-kobar lagi. and memandangkan kerja pun office hour. so i plan utk further my degree in part time mood.
insyaa allah. semoga dipermudahkan allah..

and one more thing.
ada pakwe ensem baru.
abam black.
nasib baik ensem.
trpksa lah tiap tiap bulan iolls belanja awak.
( VBT )

OK.done update serba sedikit kisah hidup.
